[fhs-discuss] Fwd: SKS OpenPGP Keyserver
Jens Leinenbach
13 years ago
Hi all,

I decided to create a patch based on SKS OpenPGP Keyserver v1.1.3 to
make it FHS compatible.
Although I left the directories untouched in the first place, but made
them configurable, my patch was called Debian specific, a big change and
because "there was no standard everyone agrees on" [1], SKS still puts
all files (config, logs, transient state files...) in one "basedir"
directory instead.

My version makes it possible to configure those directories now:
basedir = "/var/lib/sks"
confdir = "/etc/sks"
rundir = "/run/sks"
logdir = "/var/log/sks"
diffdir = "/var/spool/sks"

Now this is what is used by the ancient Debian SKS version 1.1.1. But is
this also recommended by FHS?

The the Debian package maintainer does not plan to create a new package
with a new version [2].
So I think about offering a patched SKS source so that it is possible to
compile it for every Linux distribution without changing the source code.
Are those directories above OK for all Distributions as a default - or
would you recommend something different?

[1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/sks-devel/2012-05/msg00041.html
[2] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=663757#22

Christoph Anton Mitterer
13 years ago
Post by Jens Leinenbach
basedir = "/var/lib/sks"
confdir = "/etc/sks"
rundir = "/run/sks"
logdir = "/var/log/sks"
diffdir = "/var/spool/sks"
Now this is what is used by the ancient Debian SKS version 1.1.1. But is
this also recommended by FHS?
Would say that fits quite well...

But that list is probably about discussing FHS by itself and not how to
apply it for particular packages.

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